Hobbit Day at the Market

Joplin Empire Market 931 E 4th Street, Joplin, MO, United States

Hobbits love food. Hobbits love gardening. So it just makes sense that the Empire Market would be a perfect place for hobbits! Join us* this September 23, as the Empire Market, along with the Joplin Public Library, celebrates Hobbit Day, and the birthdays of Bilbo & Frodo! Here's some of what you can expect: *Community-designed […]


Hobbit Day at the Market!

Joplin Empire Market 931 E 4th Street, Joplin, MO, United States

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." Hobbits love food. Hobbits love gardening. So it just makes sense that the Empire Market would be a perfect place for hobbits! Join us* this September 21, as the Empire Market celebrates Hobbit Day, and the […]
